
Postcards to The P.M

Postcards to The P.M

In December of 2019, Australia was on fire and making headlines worldwide as images of iconic sights like the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge were clouded by a thick layer of smoke. And as thousands were evacuating their homes, hundreds losing their lives and billions of wildlife about to be wiped out, Australia’s climate change denying Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, was on holiday in Hawaii.

So we decided to send Scott Morrison a message with a postcard that parodied the classic ‘Wish You Were’ holiday cards. Instead of beautiful blue skies, we showed what the city actually looked like now covered in smog. We printed 1,000 pre-stamped copies addressed to Parliament House and handed them out at a Climate Change rally in Sydney’s CBD.

‘Wish You Were Here’

Credits: Curt Mcdonald, Rubini Gun, Sharon Edmondston, Mandie van der Merwe, Avish Gordhan.